Kids F*%&#!* on the balcony
2004-07-28, 4:52 p.m.

I remembered another story I wanted to tell about my adventures in Korea. It�s not all that exciting but it is amusing.

A couple of months ago, I was still living in an area called Hei Bang Chon (Freedom Village). The area is a slum for Russian prostitutes, bar girls and Nigerian laborers. I had to teach classes at 6:45am, so I usually left home around 6am. As I walked down the hill, I noticed someone sitting on his balcony without a shirt. I didn�t think anything of it until I noticed there was another person with him. I couldn�t tell what they were doing until I got a little closer. I�m sure you can guess what they were �up� to.

I couldn�t decide if I should yell at them to go inside, laugh hysterically or be completely embarrassed. I walked past without saying a word but I�m sure they saw me make my way down the hill.

Part of what made this experience so strange is that Korea is a very conservative country. Public displays of affection are frowned upon. Most older couples don�t even hold hands.

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