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2004-07-26, 9:19 a.m.

After I sent the e-mail in my previous entry, I ended up having a good weekend and was feeling alot better by Sunday. I figured out that if I'm on a voyage of self discovery, I can't expect it to be easy. If things were easy all the time, we'd never learn anything about ourselves.

I've also come to realize that I get very wound up during the week and the weekend comes as a big suprise. As I begin to unwind, I crash really hard. The only thing that seems to help are my long runs.

By the by, I'm training for the Chun Chon Marathon in October 2004. You can read more about it here

I'll try to get that hyperlinked in the near future. I don't feel like bothering with it now.

I'm going to eat some breakfast at the evil empire (Starbucks).

I've loaded diaryland with wretched, boring banners. My work here is done for today.

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